Beginner Data Science for Nerd Girls | GUEST POST

Image: Check out Code First: Girls for opportunities to become involved in tech

A guest post by Syed Abdul Qadir Gilani

Data Analyst, Data Science Enthusiast and Python Developer

Based in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan (Indian subcontinent)

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We need more Data Scientists to join the world of tech. Do you want to change the world? Read on for more from Syed, professional Data Scientist, creative writer, and overall linguistic genius.

Hey Nerd Girls!

Data science helps teams work together to build amazing products! By using data science, dev and support teams understand customer needs and build products that delight them.

Teams work better together with data science. They use data to understand what customers need and want. This helps them build products that make customers happy.

Data science helps teams understand customer needs in three ways. 

  • First, they analyze customer data to see what they like and dislike. 
  • Second, they work together to visualize the data and understand it better. 
  • Finally, they use machine learning to assist customers in a more personalized way.

By working together with data science, teams can build products that customers love. They can predict what customers need, fix problems before they happen, and make decisions based on data. This helps teams stay ahead of the competition and build products that are user-friendly and fun to use.

Quick Tips to Motivate you to learn Data Science:

– Understand customer needs with data analysis

– Work together with data visualization

– Help customers with machine learning

Make products that customers love

– Predict what customers need next

– Fix problems before they happen

Make customer service super easy!

>> Check out Gmail extension Keeping for a sophisticated help desk

Final Words:

Unite, dev and support teams! Use data science to build products that customers love. Understand needs, use feedback, collaborate, and build a data-driven future together!

Connect with Syed and Catherine on LinkedIn for more!



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About the author

Catherine Heath

Catherine is a freelance writer based in Manchester. Blogs. Copy. Documentation. Let's ditch the jargon – just give her plain writing.

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