Worried About your Startup Getting Screwed? Try HubSpot for Freemium and GROW :)

Written by Catherine Julianne Heath, Marketing Advocate | 2 July 2024

So, I had a demo with HubSpot this morning.

I was already impressed with their interface but was struggling to level up my business.

The sales rep I spoke to said it was late in the afternoon in Australia, and we had to be quick. I had a million questions about HubSpot, so she was brief and concise.

Image source: Hubspot logo

Anyway, I had managed to get through to enterprise sales. It turned out all I needed wss freemium HubSpot, which is what I use for my sales and marketing anyway. I also use it for scheduling tasks with potential partners. 

So, to be honest, I still love everything about HubSpot. 

What is HubSpot? 

HubSpot is an AI-powered customer success platform with many different solutions available – for a fee. I’m a particular fan of the freemium email marketing hub, which I’ve found to be as easy to use as MailChimp (a popular solution among many businesses). 

Check out the MailChimp website:

Image source: Screenshot by Catherine Julianne Heath

Of course, all this is a SaaS ecosystem. The bigger you get, the more tools you’ll need. 

And if they don’t integrate (in tech parlance, this is called an API) [see Amazon Web Services for more details on APIs], you’re in big trouble. 

That’s why HubSpot is a great choice for growing SaaS startups

From what I’ve seen online, Hubspot has a great company culture. They have a seamless content marketing team, working together to produce outstanding content related to all things customer success, service, and support.

Image source: HubSpot blog

Even if you’re a freemium user, HubSpot gives you a free sales call if you want to upgrade to the enterprise plan. 

>> Find out more.

For me, it isn’t necessary, but I would highly recommend HubSpot as a one-stop shop for growing startups

Image source: Photo Mural site

HubSpot calls its various products HUBS, which means you can use their website builder, Customer Relationship Management System (CRM), or email marketing platform under the same roof. 

Basically, it’s great value for money for any growing business – especially freelancers and sole traders. 

Hubspot regularly publish new posts relating to all things customer, which I am a huge fan of and follow religiously. 

Anyway, enough about HubSpot.

Hope everyone enjoyed their day.  

This post was written by Catherine Julianne Heath

Catherine Heath

It was co-edited by Syed Abdul (Python Developer and Data Scientist)

Furthermore, I have another product to recommend. If you want a real end-to-end solution for writing documentation, you can try Document360 for free.

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About the author

Catherine Heath

Catherine is a freelance writer based in Manchester. Blogs. Copy. Documentation. Let's ditch the jargon – just give her plain writing.

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