humans are better than AI

Why Human Writers are Better than AI-generated Content

Generative AI means AI that generates content after being given a prompt. It’s extremely powerful and impressive and can be very specific. Generative AI has been trained on huge amounts of data to make it as intelligent as it is and you could use a tool such as ChatGPT or Jasper.  

We’ve reached the point where AI can generate content better than many humans. This raises questions of who can and should write content, not to mention generate images. We can turn to AI every time we want to write something now and AI will generate a response that accurately matches our prompts. 

Computers can write fast, but humans are arguably better writers because:

1. Humans are creative.

2. Humans understand feelings.

3. Humans know what’s important.

4. Humans write with personality.

5. Humans connect with readers.

6. Humans have ingenuity. 

Since humans have all these good qualities, we should be wary of placing all our eggs in the basket of AI. 

Why Humans Matter

Computers are efficient and quick. They can go through billions of data in a very short space of time and they don’t have to stop and research every five minutes.

On the other hand, humans add heart, soul, and imagination to writing. It’s still possible to tell when content is AI-generated. We still need our humans to do their thing when it comes to writing, or all we’ll have is robotic-sounding content. 

However, AI is still prone to hallucinations which means making mistakes and claiming things that aren’t true. Humans are needed to fact-check AI-generated content even if the computer can write something in a few seconds. 

That’s why humans are still needed to write quality content.

Critical Thinking and Research Skills

Human writers think deeply and research well. They analyse information carefully, understand what’s important, and create high-quality content that resonates with readers.

Humans are also better at fact-checking than generative AI. Humans are needed to make sure AI-generated content is genuine and accurate. 

Brand Personality and Authenticity

Humans write better for brands. They capture the brand’s personality and voice. Humans write with heart and soul, making the brand sound genuine.

This helps build a strong brand identity. Audiences connect with brands that sound authentic. Human writers help brands speak from the heart.

Variety and Changeability

Human writers can change their writing style, adjust their tone, and try new approaches when they get feedback or face new challenges. This helps them write better content.

Computers can write well, but they struggle to think creatively and adapt to new situations. They can’t change their style or tone easily.

That’s why human writers are better at writing content that resonates with people.

What AI is lacking

AI writing is missing some important human qualities. It lacks creativity, emotions, smart thinking, honesty, and flexibility. This makes it extremely difficult for AI content to truly connect with people.

Working with humans solves this problem. When humans and AI collaborate, content becomes more relatable, engaging, and meaningful. Humans add the heart and soul that AI writing needs. Adding human ingenuity to the AI writing process results in a better output. 


Human writers think critically and research thoroughly, producing high-quality content. They capture a brand’s personality, voice, and emotions, building strong relationships with audiences. Unlike AI, humans add heart, soul, and creativity to writing.

Humans are needed in the writing process even though AI can significantly speed it up. We should use AI to assist us but remember that human skills still have a strong place when it comes to creating content. 

For more information, check out these resources:

Human writers bring creativity, emotions, and critical thinking to content, making it authentic and engaging. AI assists, but humans create better.

By Catherine Heath (Freelance B2B SaaS and Customer Support Writer)

Catherine is a freelance writer based in Manchester. Blogs. Copy. Documentation. She believes in ditching the jargon – just give her plain writing.

Catherine Heath

Find Catherine on LinkedIn.

In collaboration with Syed Abdul Qadir Gilani (a Python developer and data scientist),

Syed Abdul Qadir Gilani

Find Syed on LinkedIn.

About the author

Catherine Heath

Catherine is a freelance writer based in Manchester. Blogs. Copy. Documentation. Let's ditch the jargon – just give her plain writing.

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