There are many unfair things in life, but all we can do is try to make things a little fairer in the best way we can. I’m quite a believer that technology has the potential to democratise the future of work, which means that...
Category - Career
This is the first instalment in a series of four posts about The Future of Work. I want to talk about another world that I discovered when I started freelance writing, and that’s the digital economy. As usual, Wikipedia...
There are many myths that persist in society, some that are helpful and others that limit personal growth and success. My aim is to debunk all of those myths that stop people from achieving their full potential. One of those...
A lot of people are talking about how we need more women coders to break into the culture of ‘brogrammers’. One of the single biggest issues with the lack of diversity in STEM is the myth of learned and innate skills. As a...
The Guardian Digital Development team kindly put on a really engaging networking event for people aspiring towards a career in tech. It dealt with some recurring issues facing those who want to break into the tech industry, or...
I normally come away from women’s career events feeling empowered and inspired, and Monday’s event by Stylist Magazine was no different. The Stylist Life Lessons panel discussion at Ham Yard Hotel in Soho featured...
Women have a reputation for not being assertive enough, and is apparently why we earn less than men. Whether or not this reasoning is sound, I think there’s a difference between being too shy and not wanting to impose on...
When you’re born, the social conditioning begins straight away. Whether they mean to or not, the people around you are influenced by the cultural norms of the society they know, and treat children accordingly. Girls are given...
Picking a direction to go in and running with it is certainly one way, because that’s how you find out what you like – and don’t like. Sitting in your room twiddling in your thumbs, introspecting, doesn’t...
Most people think of networking as this soulless enterprise where you speak to people purely based on whether you think they might be able to do something for you. I think this perhaps has something to do with the word...